The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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DOS Batch File
118 lines
rem Book index preparation programs, (C) Copyright Peter Norton 1983
rem Peter Norton
rem The Norton Utilities
rem 2210 Wilshire Blvd, # 186
rem Santa Monica, CA 90403
rem This is a simple and straightforward set of programs and
rem procedures intended to reduce some of the work of preparing book
rem indices.
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem This system is not particularly fancy, and it may not have every
rem feature that you might want, but it should fulfill most of your
rem indexing needs.
rem Before you invest any large effort in using this system,
rem experiment with it to be sure that you can get satisfactory
rem results from it.
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem This system works in six simple stages, which you use as needed:
rem 1) START - this begins the process by setting up an empty data file
rem 2) ENTER - this lets you type in index entries in any order
rem 3) if you made errors in step 2, you correct them with your
rem word-processor/editor
rem 4) COMBINE - this sorts and merges your new index entries with
rem any which you entered before
rem 5) INDEX - this formats an index from your data
rem 6) if there are any errors in the index you correct them
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem The normal way to use this system is to do step 1 (START) once,
rem and then repeat steps 2 through 4 as many times as you wish,
rem adding index entries in as many working sessions as you wish;
rem finally, with steps 5 and 6 you complete the index.
rem For all the steps but 3 and 6, there are 'batch' files which
rem supervise the work of that step. To perform these steps, simply
rem type in the step name, START, ENTER, COMBINE or INDEX. To make
rem corrections, use your word-processor/editor program.
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem All of these operations are set up to work with the program
rem diskette in drive A, and a working data diskette in drive B.
rem Here is some more detail information about each step:
rem 1) START -- this step copies an empty file to the file which is
rem used to accumulate your index data, MERGED.DAT.
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem 2) ENTER -- this operates a special data-entry program which
rem allows you to type in index entries in a convenient way.
rem Note the message that appears at the beginning of this
rem program, explaining the function keys f1, f2 and f10.
rem To use this program, you simply type in index entries, and
rem press return; page numbers are copied automatically. Page
rem numbers can be automatically increased by pressing f2, and
rem new page numbers can be specified by pressing f1. Page
rem 'numbers' do not need to be all numeric-- you may use page
rem numbers like "A-10", "5-13", or "xi".
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem You may type index entries in any order, since step 4,
rem COMBINE, will sort the entries. You may find it convenient
rem to abbreviate the index entries as you type them in, and
rem then change them later, after the index has been built.
rem For speed, convenience and safety, I recommend entering no
rem more than one or two hundred entries at a time. You can
rem then correct and COMBINE them, before returning to this
rem stage to enter more.
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem 3) If you made any errors in step 2, you may correct them with
rem your word-processor or editor program. The data you entered
rem in step 2 will be found in a file named "ENTER.DAT". Be
rem careful to maintain the format of the data (page number in
rem the first six positions, "=" in the seventh, followed by the
rem entry information).
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem 4) After you make any necessary corrections, this COMBINE stage
rem will sort your new index data, and merge it together with
rem data from other working sessions. The sorting process can
rem become quite lengthy if there are more than one or two
rem hundred new entries. (The results are left in a file named
rem MERGED.DAT, if corrections are needed.)
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem 5) The INDEX stage will format your data into an index. The
rem results are displayed on the screen, and also written to a
rem file named "INDEX". In principle you would only use this
rem step once, when you have entered all of your data, but you
rem may want to try it after each ENTER and COMBINE operation,
rem to check the results so far.
pause press a key for more information . . .
rem 6) Finally, you should check the formatted index for errors, and
rem make any corrections needed. After that, you may print the
rem finished index. If you entered page numbers in any unusual
rem format, you should check that they have been sorted into the
rem order you wish them to appear-- if not, you may correct them
rem in the finished index. In most cases, both numeric page
rem numbers and other forms of page number will sort into the
rem right order; but, for example, roman numerals will not.